I spent my Saturday afternoon in barranquilla looking for ways to expand my business capabilities and personal finances. While walking around Bogota, I found several commercial spaces for rent and sale which set my mind free on several creative journeys. I visualized all sorts of business that could be possible there, and some commercial and personal projects that I had abandoned or did not pursue.
Since registering a corporation last week under the Virginia Business Commission in the U.S, I have been looking around for ways to register it here in Colombia or anywhere else overseas and take out business loans under the legal entity. I did research today including buying land plots, commercial spaces and taking out business loans from Colombian banks. I discovered it is possible for a company with enough strength, history and direction to obtain a loan from a local bank, I'd like to register it in the Colombian Chamber of Commerce before asking for funding and also expand my search to other nations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. This could facilitate many of my business projects.
I also considered expanding my design capabilities to fashion and remembered a site where I buy t-shirts treadless.com; where you can also set up an artist shop and sell your design on anything including t-shirts, mugs, backpacks and wall posters through their portal. The idea is to have different designs organized into collections and have them printed on shirts and sold, right now I am short on storage space and I am also not in the U.S., where I have most of my resources. I am operating on a tight personal and business budget, so commissioning my designs to websites like vistaprint.com or customink.com to distribute from a warehouse, or buying machines to make them at home will not be possible. This is an idea I have been considering for some time now since high school, but never paid much attention to.
Sources of income besides my video game studio and investments include industrial and farm land projects which I have been looking into lately. The 'municipio' (political region, I call them counties) where I finally set up formal HQ (Puerto Colombia), North West of Barranquilla, is undergoing renovations, into which the government is pouring capital to build a new plaza with several thousand new jobs, and rejuvenate the tourism industry in a quiet, naturally rich and beautiful piece of heaven of a little over 30,000 inhabitants. Temperatures are stable year round in the low and mid thirties Celsius (high 80's Fahrenheit) and Barranquilla is only 18km or 30 minutes away by car. There is an abundance of new residential, commercial and recreational building projects as well as plenty of undeveloped or unused land and infrastructure.